MICE Africa

This page is dedicated to those suppliers and agents working with us to organise events.

There are requirements we follow when organising our MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events) activities in Africa.

The following are considered prior to the event

* Planning and site inspection
* The venue: where and what facility
* Program identified
*Do you require a microphone? (if the audience is to ask questions, you may need at least one roving microphone, depending on your venue)
* Will you need a lectern?
* Are tables and chairs needed?
* How would you like the room to be set up, eg lecture style, semi-formal? Campus Services can provide assistance with setting up the room to meet your requirements. Send through a Customer Service Request (CSR)
* Travel: Require airline ticket bookings for conference delegates?
* How will payment be made? When and schedule? By who?


* The Conference itself- who is on the organising commitee? Who is the overall head? And roles
* Mailing list
* Invitations
* Media
* Printing
* Ancillary items
* Travel
* Catering
* Compere – someone who will welcome guests and show them their seats.
* Greeting VIPs
* Volunteers
* Running sheet
* Signage and directions
* Recording
* Water for the speakers?
* Whiteboard markers and whiteboard dusters?
* Banners?
* Spare bulb for the overhead projector?
* Gifts and exhibitions – these are becoming popular at events. How will they be handled?
* Picking and dealing with speakers. Programme content.
* Name tags
* Sponsor’s signage?
* How will the handicapped be handled? – transport, accommodation, food, service.
* Catering: menus
* Contingency planning: Health and safety, Insurance, security and regulation.

* Some events, like in Rwanda and South Africa, require delegates to fly to the venue or park, using helicopters. We do arrange luxury choppers for our delegates, as shown in pictures below.

Managing the venue during the conference:

  • Contract and venue arrangements.
  • Audio-visual. Problem solving.
  • Working with the delegates.
  • Others


After the Conference

* Evaluation of the conference or event.
* Final Accounts
* Thank You.

Contact us for conference charges and upcoming events.

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